An Archaeological Assessment is often required as a first step at the planning or pre-planning stage of developments. These reports can be solely desk-based or may incorporate the results of archaeological investigations in the form of Geophysical Survey or Test Trenches, depending on planning authority requirements. Shanarc are fully qualified to undertake these works and incorporate the results into the assessment report, if required.

Assessment reports can be stand-alone or can form a chapter within a wider Environmental Impact Assessment report (EIAR). All of our team members have extensive experience in carrying out Archaeological Impact Assessments of varying scales in consultation with clients and design teams; we will assign a dedicated archaeologist to your project that will produce a precise, detailed, fully-illustrated report within the agreed timescale and budget.

To satisfy planning requirements in the compilation of any assessment report, relevant legislation must be taken on board, including the National Monuments Acts, the Planning and Development Act and the Heritage Act.
Guidelines issued by statutory bodies and Codes of Practice must also be considered, as well as the International and European conventions on the protection of cultural heritage ratified in Ireland.
An assessment is conducted by identifying the archaeological potential of a project area by means of a site inspection and consultation of documentary and cartographic sources, such as:
- Current and historic mapping
- Record of Monuments and Places (RMP)
- Records of previous archaeological investigations
- Topographical files of the National Museum of Ireland
- Seminal published sources
- Academic studies and reports
- County Development Plans/Local Area Plans

The proposed development is considered in this context and the impact is assessed. Recommendations are then made where necessary for any measures required to reduce the impact. This methodology ensures a comprehensive report to satisfy planning requirements.
Contact us here for a no-obligation consultation.