Archaeological Monitoring is the process of engaging a suitably qualified archaeologist to keep a watching brief during ground works on a development site and is usually specified as a condition of planning. It must be carried out by an archaeologist licensed by the National Monument Service. Shanarc Archaeology has a team of experienced and qualified archaeologists, fully Health and Safety compliant and available for mobilisation throughout the country.
When monitoring is complete we compile and submit a detailed report, as required by the statutory authorities. In the event of significant findings, Shanarc will devise a mitigation strategy for how development works can best proceed in consultation with the Planning and Licensing Unit of the National Monument Service, and the National Museum of Ireland, where relevant.

Test Excavation may be specified within planning conditions for certain developments, particularly those in the vicinity of a recorded monument or those of a large scale. The purpose of testing is to establish the nature and extent of archaeology within the development area, usually by means of excavating trenches. Shanarc Archaeology will obtain the relevant licenses as needed under the National Monuments Acts to do such work and, in the subsequent report, will make recommendations for how best to proceed.

Archaeological Excavation may be required as part of the development process, where sites or finds of archaeological interest are unearthed through previous methods – such as Test Excavation, Archaeological Monitoring or Geophysical Survey – and which cannot be avoided by the development.
Excavation involves the scientific recording and analysis of an archaeological site. All excavations must be overseen by an experienced archaeologist who is licensed by the National Monument Service and the National Museum of Ireland. Shanarc Archaeology employs several licence-eligible archaeologists who are highly experienced and qualified to undertake such work. Post-excavation analysis and reporting are legal requirements for the licensee and for the developer and in order to comply with these requirements, a standard of reporting must be met within a strict timeline.

Costs and timescales involved with archaeological excavations are understandable concerns for developers. To ensure that your project stays on track, Shanarc Archaeology will agree a scope of works with you and the statutory authorities in order to deliver the most efficient and compliant service possible. Contact us for advice and a no-obligation consultation.